February 18, 2009

Roman Holiday (1953)

Roman Holiday is AFI's #4 Romantic Comedy of all time. I must have seen a different movie than they did. Mainly, it's a moving love note to Rome. Other than that, it has a tiny bit of romance, the borderline unrequited kind, and its comedy is hard to find.

I guess I just don't see what's so comedic about a princess who is so sheltered, naive, and gullible she'll believe almost anything anyone tells her. Audrey Hepburn plays Princess Ann, who is on a goodwill tour of Europe. When her entourage stops in Rome, she decides she's had enough and sneaks away in the night.

Joe Bradley (Gregory Peck), an American reporter, finds her asleep on a bench and takes her back to his place because he can't get her to tell him how to get her back home. The next day while arguing with his editor he realizes the girl he found is the princess and bets his editor he can get an exclusive interview with her. He goes back to his apartment and eventually Ann agrees to tour Rome with him and his photographer friend.

The sites they see are of course beautiful. It was the first American film to be shot entirely in Italy. The romance comes from the idea of a reverse Cinderella, a princess looking for a common man to rescue her. And while it's believable that by the end of the day Ann has fallen for Joe, it seems more like he just feels sorry for her.

Hepburn won an Oscar for this role. And there was probably a fare share of self-insertion, as Hepburn herself was new to the American film industry and in at least one scene, the director went with the take where Hepburn didn't know what was going on. And in the important ending scene, Hepburn wasn't crying the required tears, so the director grumbled about how many takes she wasted which made her cry for real.

I guess most people enjoy a bit of escapist fluff from time to time.

Rating: 2/5
Recommended for: Audrey Hepburn fans and people who missed out on visiting Rome in the 1950s.

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