July 3, 2009

Fanboys (2009)

First let me say that I enjoy Star Wars a lot. Then I must say that Fanboys is ridiculous - and not in a good way.

The movie centers around 4 friends from high school who, now in their early twenties, are eagerly awaiting the next installment of the Star Wars franchise, Episode 1: The Phantom Menance... or at least 3 of them are and they have to remind the other one that he's a Star Wars fan too (because apparently you can only have a career or be a Star Wars fan).

They develop a plan to drive across the US, break into Skywalker Ranch, and see the movie before it's released because one of them has cancer (although you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him) and they're afraid he won't live long enough to see it in theaters. The movie then devolves into a low-brow road trip movie. How else would we have opportunity to run into Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, and Kevin Smith? It also allows for a random, totally unnecessary fight with Trekkies.

When the quartet lands in jail, their friend Zoe (Kristen Bell) comes to bail them out. She manages to bail the movie part way out as well by presenting a likeable, non-comedy-stereotype character. With her kicking their butts into gear, they finally make it to Skywalker Ranch where they see a lot of cool things (for Star Wars fans) before the contrived, outrageous, slap-you-in-the-face reference situations ensue.

In the end this film was a interesting idea that ultimately failed in execution. Unfortunately I'm unsure how much of this had to do with it coming out 2 years after it was supposed to and the fights that ensued over different cuts of the film. There are several funny moments and several that are just supposed to be. There's enough references to fill a Star Wars fan's half month quota, but probably not enough entertainment for a non fan to even consider watching. And to top it all off, the audience has the misfortune of knowing what these kids are after didn't live up to expectations either.

Rating: 2/5
Recommended for: People looking to fill their Star Wars reference quota

Extended Review: Apparently there are not enough actors in the world or even actors who also like Star Wars. This must be why Seth Rogen played three parts in the movie.

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