August 20, 2008

Transformers (2007)

Michael Bay's 2007 interpretation of the 1980's tv show/toy line is entertaining if nothing else. Centered around Shia LaBoeuf's character Sam Witwicky, whose first car just so happens to be an Autobot (one of the good transforming robots from outer space), there are three things this movie has plenty of: action, plot holes, and semi-awkward to awkward dialogue.

The funniest scene in the entire film takes place between Sam and his parents, played by Kevin Dunn and Julie White. As they argue in Sam's room, they exhibit what the rest of the film lacks: chemistry. But then again, it's difficult to have chemistry with main characters who are CGI - no matter how cool they may look.

Rating: 3/5
Recommended for: People who don't ask questions that begin with "Wait. Why don't they just...?" during movies. Also, action buffs.

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