September 21, 2008

Ladron Que Roba a Ladron (2007)

Much in the vein of Ocean's 11, this Spanish-language film is a clever caper that can easily keep your interest all the way through. Two thieves, Alejandro and Emilio, team up to rob Moctesuma Valdez, a man conning poor immigrants in America out of their money with fake health products. So of course to do that they must assemble a rag tag team. Where it sidetracks from the Ocean's 11 concept is the reason they don't expect to be caught; their team is comprised of immigrants and they figure no one pays attention to immigrants.

While members of the team tend to fill stereotypical roles, they're all endearing enough (and the bad guy's enough of a creep) that they're easy to root for. And what's even better, if you don't understand Spanish you still won't spend the whole movie with your eyes glued to the bottom of the screen. The story and performances are universal enough it's easy to understand. Plus, the whole thing is high-energy and fun.

While the story's not a ground-breaker in the caper genre, it's not often a film makes a serious statement about the life of immigrants while making you laugh. At the very least, you have to give writer JoJo Henrickson and director Joe Menendez props for that.

Rating: 3/5
Recommended for: Anyone looking for a rag-tag team to rally for.

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